Acupuncture services are offered in Mill Creek, Everett, WA

There are countless reasons why acupuncture has maintained worldwide popularity for centuries. Acupuncture is a treatment that involves inserting thin needles to regulate Qi flow (vital energy), internal organ function, and energy pathways called meridians. It is used to help relieve pain and a wide range of other conditions. At Silverlake Clinic in Everett, Washington, Jungmin Ahn, AEMP, LAc, MS, and the team provide acupuncture alongside other therapies like cupping and Asian herbal medicine to boost circulation, restore energy, and decrease pain. To find out if acupuncture is the right option for you, call Silverlake Clinic or schedule an appointment online today.

Acupuncture services

“We believe that pain comes from the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of a person's life.
Our practitioner uses different treatment techniques to effectively relieve pain and stress.”

Silverlake Clinic

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a keystone part of East Asian medicine. It involves using fine needles to regulate the flow of Qi, or energy, along invisible pathways through your body called meridians. When your energy flow is out of balance, you experience discomfort and other symptoms of unwellness. 

The Silverlake Clinic team offers several other services alongside acupuncture to enhance its many benefits, including:

  • Acupressure

  • Cupping therapy

  • Point injection therapy

  • Dietary advice

  • Breathing, stretching, and relaxation techniques

  • Asian herbal medicine

Although acupuncture has ancient Chinese origins, the team at Silverlake Clinic identifies the specific nerves and soft tissues in need of healing from a Western medicine perspective to give you the best possible results. 

What are the benefits of acupuncture?

Acupuncture has remarkable benefits, which is why the practice has been used worldwide for centuries. It can improve symptoms of an array of health conditions and offers many universal benefits. They include:

  • Improving circulation

  • Reducing inflammation

  • Releasing endorphins for pain relief

  • Enhancing your immune system

  • Improving self-healing

  • Boosting your metabolism

  • Balancing your hormones

  • Activating your parasympathetic nervous system to promote relaxation

After acupuncture at Silverlake Clinic, you leave the office feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. 

What should I expect when I come in for acupuncture?

Many people assume that acupuncture is painful, but this isn’t the case for most people. The needles are roughly the width of a thick hair. While you might feel slight discomfort from the needles in some locations, but you won’t feel any pain. Shortly after the needle enters your skin, you might feel warm, heavy, or tingling sensations in the region. 

The needles remain in place for a set amount of time as you relax and breathe in a tranquil, dimly lit room. Sessions last between 20 and 30 minutes, and you may fall asleep. The team checks on you periodically throughout the process. 

Call Silverlake Clinic or schedule an appointment online today to explore the many health and wellness benefits of acupuncture and similar treatments.

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