Neck Pain Testimonial

Pain area: Neck, Scapular, and Ankle Pain.

Erin started feeling better after just one visit. What she appreciated the most was Jungmin’s ability to understand underlying issues and build genuine relationships with his patients.

Migraine Testimonial

This patient just retired from Boeing and had a bad migraine with 7 out of 10 levels of pain. Before he received the treatment, he had to lie down for a whole day when the migraine came. Now, Silverlake clinic can save the day for him without pain.

Sciatica Pain Testimonial

CJ had a lot of pain in the lower back and sciatica area.

He came to us after injuring himself a week before his first child was born.

Fortunately, Jungmin could help him with the pain, and CJ immediately fell In love with acupuncture after the first session.

Ongoing maintenance Testimonial

This patient had knee pain for a long time before coming to the Silverlake Clinic. She tried many treatments, like physical therapy but didn't have much improvement. A friend of hers recommended acupuncture to her, and it works! Now, she is recommending YOU try it at least once, and you will love it!

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